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About us
We are a technology company specialising in rail and connected transport solutions. We have a powerful platform and an excellent team that is helping us to support numerous elements of the Digital Railway initiative being driven by Network Rail and the DFT. We are also working hard to help deliver intelligent traffic management and smarter cities internationally.
To say that we understand railway technology is an understatement. We have over 50 years of industry experience and used to be part of British Rail. This means that we understand signalling control, operations management and logistics. We have combined our background knowledge with our agile development methods, data gathering, advanced algorithms and BI reporting, so that we have the tools to deliver 21st century traffic management.
In 2016 we changed our name from DeltaRail to Resonate in recognition of the fact that we are entering a new and demanding age of connected and intelligent transport. We now need to maximise capacity through predictive intelligence, shared data, joined up travel and informed customer journeys. At Resonate we know that the rail sector will play a major part in achieving this goal, but we also need to be plugged in to the broader digital community where IOT capability and shared data can drive efficiencies through our economic centres.