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Company overview
Small and agile, Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd provides entirely independent advice to clients, drawing on an extensive network of specialist partners.
With international experience dating back to 1991, it has delivered transport consultancy services in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, the US, Central Asia, and Latin America.
Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd offers a range of value-adding services, including:
- Asset management (asset management plans, strategic asset management, asset maintenance, and renewal optimisation.)
- Technical advice and review (from routes and stations to railway concept design/pre-feasibility or feasibility studies.)
- Project and technical management (from Multidisciplinary teams and technical management/’guiding mind’ to stakeholder engagement.)
Cadenza Transport Consulting Ltd has delivered a range of railway projects, including:
- The development of an internal framework for managing authorisation projects (with Rail Advisory Group for the Office of Road and Rail.)
- HS2 P-Rep Phase 1 optimisations review (KPMG/Steer for the Department for Transport.)
Rail Freight Terminal costs (The Railway Consultancy).