
Crimson Tide plc


Company overview

Crimson Tide mpro5 platform is more than an app. It has several smart features that enable organisations to streamline and automate operations. It’s also highly scalable, secure and is available on monthly subscription.

The team at Crimson Tide tailor and maintain the platform to let organisations refine, automate and adapt their processes to maximise efficiency and return on investment.

  • 1,000 vehicles cleaned daily.
  • 478 stations managed via mpro5.
  • 25 increased productivity gains.

Following the Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail, the Department for Transport now awards profit to passenger service operators when they hit customer experience performance targets. mpro5 helps you capture these financial incentives — making it easy to reposition your operations to the newly mandated Service Quality Regimes (SQRs), while simultaneously driving productivity and cost savings.

Rail management software for effortless compliance so that you can exceed service standards, drive productivity and boost cost efficiency with smart stations.

  • mpro5 software.
  • Job scheduling, alerting and reporting.
  • Windows Azure cloud infrastructure.
  • Installation and support.

Northern Trains case study

Chilternrailways case study