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Navigating decision-making at a local, regional and national level
Inflect Partners is a business transformation and strategic communications consultancy, providing the capacity and support businesses need to embrace change and meet future challenges. Its goal – to deliver positive change via effective campaigns, coalitions, and platforms.
Led by a highly experienced team of communications professionals, Inflect Partners develops policy, offers insights, communicates ideas, creates advocates, and builds reputations. This work is undertaken collaboratively, and at a local, regional, and national level.
The Inflect Partners team boasts an in-depth understanding of devolution and the political environment. In Manchester, it has led the way in devolution-focused communications, enabling clients to navigate the new landscape.
What Inflect Partners does
A strategic, full-service communications agency, Inflect Partners supports clients with:
Helping organisations to understand the devolution agenda with support, advice, and events.
Public affairs
Including Westminster, devolved, and international government relations, regulators and NDPBs, local government, public affairs strategy, political risk, policy audits, and more.
Campaigns and coalitions
Raising awareness, shaping opinions, and changing policy with expertly built campaigns and coalitions.
Bespoke events to support campaigns, promote projects, or engage stakeholders.
Strategic comms
Including communications strategies, strategic counsel, media relations, campaigns, and more.
Platform development
Creating, developing, commercialising, and optimising platforms.
Strategy and transformation
From training and governance to communications and sales.
Training and development
From open courses to tailored team training.
Inflect Partners works with a range of leading organisations, including Amey, Avanti West Coast, and Atkins.