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Company overview
At Instrumentel we specialise in condition-based monitoring of industrial processes and railway rolling stock.
- Keeping trains running for longer without disruption by minimising planned or unscheduled maintenance interventions.
- Transforming maintenance regimes so that assets are in service for longer.
- Maintenance is predicted, removing costly service failures, and allowing assets to be operated until maintenance is required.
Condition Based Maintenance can lead to an overall reduction of at least 10-15% in maintenance costs.
Case studies
Who we are
Instrumentel Limited was incorporated in 2001 as a venture capital backed spin-out from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Leeds. We have since developed to become a world-leader in the design and manufacture of telemetry systems for extreme and inaccessible environments. Our condition-based maintenance systems are being increasingly adopted by asset owners, operators, and maintainers in the rail, automotive, industrial and defence sectors.
We are part of Unipart Group which is a leading UK manufacturer, full-service logistics provider and operational consultant.