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LC Switchgear (LCS) provide whole life cost effective solutions for the railways.
Offering a comprehensive range of DC switchgear, incorporating on load and off load disconnectors and fast acting contactors, designed to provide low maintenance, cost-effective solutions for railway isolation and bonding requirements.
Our AC switchboards offer system flexibility, reliability, ease of installation and can be fitted in the tightest locations.
We also have a wide selection of trackside and depot equipment including; overhead status indicators, mimic panels, conductor rail heating panels and power pedestals
- TFS Track Feeder Switch – Network Rail PA05/06563.
- SD – LCS2 (TIS) 1 Pole Supply Disconnector – Network Rail PA05/00454.
- NSCD Negative Short Circuiting Device.
- CTS Controlled Track Switch – Network Rail No PA05/02035.
- Disconnectors AC / DC to Railway Standard BS EN 50123 Max-E-Switch Range.
- RCTIS Remote Controlled Track Isolating Switch 4kA 2 Pole (TUNNEL).
- CP Examination & Lifting Road Contactor Panel (630A).
- DRC – 2kA 1P Depot Contactor Panel with Motor Driven Bonding Device.
- MTIS Manual Track Isolating Switch 4kA 2 Pole.
- RCTIS 2 Pole 4kA Motorised Switch.
- COLR 725 Type Current On line Relay.
- Gap Jumper Lead.
- FU Conductor Rail Mounted Fuse Assembly.
- DC Disconnector – Otter OD1L – OD7R.
- DC Switch – Otter OS1L – OS7L.
You can view our full product range here.
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